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Defines how the element is transformed.
transform: none;
Removes any transformation.
transform: translateX(40px);
Move the element on the horizontal axis.
transform: translateY(20px);
Move the element on the vertical axis.
transform: translateY(100%);
You can use percentage values: the percentage is relative to the element itself, and not the parent.
transform: translate(20px, -10%);
You can use translate()
with two values:
- the first value is for the horizontal axis
- the second value is for the vertical axis
transform: scaleX(1.5);
Scale the element on the horizontal axis.
transform: scaleY(0.4);
Scale the element on the vertical axis.
transform: scaleY(-2);
You can use negative values: it will invert the element.
transform: scale(0.8, 0.8);
You can use scale()
with two values:
- the first value is for the horizontal axis
- the second value is for the vertical axis
By using the same value for both, you can scale proportionally.
transform: rotate(45deg);
Rotate the element.
You can use:
- degrees from
- gradians from
- radians from
- turns from
transform: skewX(15deg);
Skew the element on the horizontal axis.
transform: skewY(45deg);
Skew the element on the vertical axis.
transform: skew(10deg, -20deg);
You can use skew()
with two values:
- the first value is for the horizontal axis
- the second value is for the vertical axis
transform: rotate(5deg) scale(1.1, 1.1) translate(-20%, 30px);
You can combine multiple transformations by separating them with a space.